When to Apply BBQ Sauce - Chad's BBQ (2024)

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Grilling is a serious job. And, there are endless meat options, cooking styles, and BBQ sauce techniques to consider before picking up the tongs. Primarily, when cooking various meats on the grill or in asmoker, the timing and the way in which you apply BBQ sauce is crucial. Not to mention,what type of sauce you use should be considered.

The most popular meats to grill are chicken, ribs, and beef. So, let’s dive into these threetypes of meat and find out how to correctly apply the sauce. Hopefully, you learn a thing or two about grilling juicy and delicious meat.


When to Apply BBQ Sauce - Chad's BBQ (1)First, let’s start off with the chicken. When cooking chicken, the way the sauce is applied is important. Most grillers will apply the sauce first and then continue to baste the chicken with sauce while it cooks. This is a common practice, but it can lead to burning yourchicken. You want the chicken to slowly cookto perfection and then add the sauce during the final 10 to 15 minutes of cooking. This is true for adding sauce to ribs as well while grilling or smoking. This provides more of a tasty coating rather than burnt skin.

Steps to BBQ Saucing Chicken

  • When coating the chicken, be sure to use a solid coating. You want to baste the chicken with just enough sauce to cover it, but not too much that it is drenched in BBQ sauce.
  • Coat one side and then allow the chicken to cook for 4 to 5 minutes before turning the meat over and coating the other side.
  • Choose a thick sauce. The best sauce type for chicken is one that is very thick. A vinegar or juice-based sauce is too runny and thin, and won’t cover the chicken as well. A thick BBQ sauce ensures that the chicken is fully coated and cooks evenly.


Now, let’s get to the beef. When cooking a BBQ beef entree, you want to apply the BBQ sauce early. Slice into the meat lightly with thin lines on the top and then coat it fully with a BBQ sauce. The thin lines allow the sauce to seep down into the meat for a tastier beef. Most importantly, you want the sauce to cook directly into the meat, rather than to add it later (like the chicken).

Steps to BBQ Saucing Beef

  • With beef, it is better to apply the BBQ sauce before cooking, and then allow the meat to cook for a few hours.
  • As the meat cooks, add sauce every hour.
  • During the final stages of grilling, you can remove the meat from the grill. Then, add more sauce and wrap it in aluminum foil. The beef can then resume cooking longer while covered on the grill. That way, the last layer of BBQ sauce sticks on the meat and helps it taste even more flavorful.


When to Apply BBQ Sauce - Chad's BBQ (2)Finally, let’s considergrilling pork.When applying BBQ sauce to pork, such as pork ribs, it’s important to show a little restraint. Instead, let the meat and smoke flavor come through first. This is just long enough to heat and cook the sauce (possibly even carmelize it) without it burning. Once you are ready for the sauce, you will need about 1/2- 3/4 of a cup of BBQ sauce to fully cover the pork.

Steps to BBQ Saucing Pork

  • Apply the sauce after the meat has been cooked.
  • Depending on the cooking temperature and the type of sugar, a sweet sauce can get gummy or even burn.So, apply the sauce at the end, about 15-30 minutes before removing the pork to add rich flavor.
  • If you can, warm the sauce in a pan or in a microwave to take the chill off.
  • While brushing the sauce on is a must, don’t drown your pork. Instead, apply several thin coatings to build layers.

When it comes to grilling, there are many techniques for creating the perfect meal. Find BBQ sauces you enjoy and keep these tips in mind to enhance the taste of your chicken or beef. And, whether you are hosting or just attending a backyardBBQthis season, there are a few essentials that will make your party one of the best on the block. Check out our list of must-have Maryland backyard BBQ basics.

On February 15, 2018 / BBQ and Beer, Inside the Smoker
When to Apply BBQ Sauce - Chad's BBQ (2024)


When to Apply BBQ Sauce - Chad's BBQ? ›

Steps to BBQ Saucing Pork

When should I apply barbecue sauce? ›

Focus on searing the meat and then cooking it until it reaches a safe inside temperature at the thickest part. Sauces are best applied near the end of cooking to prevent burning. Only baste it with sauce during the final five minutes of cooking. The taste will blow you away without any burned mess on your grill.

When to put barbecue sauce on pulled pork? ›

Rest your meat for 1 hour before serving. Shred your meat (Check out my Hey Grill Hey Meat Shredder Claws), and give it a good drizzle of BBQ sauce.

When to add barbecue sauce to smoked chicken? ›

Baste the chicken with the honey BBQ sauce during the last 30 minutes of cooking (this is optional). Once the chicken has reached the correct internal temperature, remove it from the grill, rest for 10 minutes, slice, and serve.

Do you put BBQ sauce on raw meat? ›

The Basics: Using BBQ sauce for barbecues

Drizzle the sauce on grilled or fried meats. 2. Use it to marinate or flavor raw meat before cooking. Simply drizzling this sauce over grilled meats can make the usual yakiniku or steak even more delicious!

When to apply barbecue sauce on hamburgers? ›

Grill the burgers, covered, over medium heat until a thermometer reads 160°, five to six minutes on each side, basting the patties with 1/2 cup barbecue sauce during the final five minutes. Serve the patties on buns with your toppings of choice and the reserved barbecue sauce.

When should I put barbecue sauce on ribs in the oven? ›

You will want to add barbecue sauce to your ribs during the final 20-30 minutes of cooking. While brushing on sauce just remember, don't drown your ribs. If you are like me and love more sauce, there is no reason you can't serve even more on the side.

How do I get barbecue sauce to stick to chicken? ›

The best method for getting BBQ sauce to stick on meats. Is to apply the sauce after the meat has been mostly cooked. This ensures the surface is going to be done releasing moisture and has enough texture for the sauceto hold onto. Add the BBQ sauce before the last 10 – 20 minutes of cooking.

Do you put BBQ sauce on both sides of chicken? ›

Place the chicken breasts into a 9x13-inch baking dish, and pour the sauce over the chicken. Turn the chicken pieces over in the sauce to coat both sides. Bake in the preheated oven until the chicken is no longer pink and the juices run clear, about 40 minutes.

Should I put BBQ sauce on pork ribs before cooking? ›

Use Both a Rub + a Sauce

As a fatty cut, ribs take well to spice rubs, but we love our ribs with some sticky barbecue sauce too. Just apply the rub as you normally would before cooking, and then brush the glaze on in the last 5 minutes on the grill to achieve the perfect crusty, gooey ribs.

Should pulled pork be sauced? ›

The sauce definitely adds a lot of flavor, but it's also functional, as it brings more moisture to pulled pork, which is especially helpful on the second or third day after you've made it.

How do you add flavor to pulled pork after cooking? ›

This thin, vinegar-based finishing sauce, which differs from a BBQ sauce, is the secret ingredient to kick up my smoked pulled pork. After you've pulled your pork butt, drizzle over the meat and combine. The vinegar adds contrast to the smoky flavor and cuts through the fat in the meat.

When should I put barbecue sauce on grilled chicken? ›

Barbecue sauce typically contains sugar that will brown faster than the meat. This can make it difficult to tell when the chicken is done. To ensure you don't pull the chicken off too soon, add the BBQ sauce when you're nearly done cooking the meat.

When to add sauce to chicken breast? ›

Once the oil is hot but not smoking, add chicken breasts and sear about 3 minutes per side, until they're totally opaque on the outside. Add tomato sauce, and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cover the pot, and cook 10 to 15 minutes, until chicken is cooked through.

Is it better to smoke a chicken at 225 or 250? ›

As the temperature of the grill increases, you get less smoke.) Place the whole chicken in your Traeger and cook at it at 225 degrees Fahrenheit until the internal temperature of the bird (as measured at the thickest part of the breast) is165 degrees Fahrenheit. This can take between 3 and four hourts.

Do you put barbecue sauce on before or after oven? ›

It'll give you that glossy, delicious bark without any burnt taste. Oven – Most oven cooking happens at around 375ºF, which is too hot for sugar. Wait until you're done cooking, then remove the protein from the oven and smother it with your favorite BBQ sauce just before serving.

When should I cover my BBQ? ›

The heat doesn't build up and intensify the way it would if the lid was down. Thin pork chops, shrimp, and burgers tend to cook quickly. Leaving the grill lid up will slow the cooking process by reducing the temperature around the meat. For thicker cuts, you want to close the lid to keep the temperature high and even.

How do you get BBQ sauce to stick to meat? ›

You want to give the sauce enough heat to begin to caramelize, adding rich flavor, but not enough heat where it will reach the burning stage. Begin brushing on the sauce, adding two or three more coats until you remove the meat from the grill. If you notice a flare-up, move the meat to a cooler part of the grill.

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