iTechnolabs : Software, Web, Mobile App Development Company (2024)


In today’s digital age, there are millions of mobile applications available on the App Store, catering to a wide range of needs and interests. The App Store has become a crucial platform for developers to showcase their innovative ideas and reach a global audience. If you have developed an iOS app that you want to share with the world, submitting it to the App Store is a necessary step to reach a broader audience and maximize your app’s potential impact.

However, this process can seem daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’re new to it and unfamiliar with the requirements and steps involved. From preparing your app for submission to navigating Apple’s meticulous review process, there are several important steps to consider. Ensuring that your app meets all the technical specifications, design guidelines, and content policies set forth by Apple is crucial for a successful submission.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to successfully submit your iOS app to the App Store, ensuring that you meet all the necessary criteria and avoid common pitfalls. You will learn about the importance of thorough testing, creating compelling metadata and screenshots, and setting up your App Store Connect account. Additionally, we will cover how to handle potential rejections and resubmissions, making the entire process less intimidating.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a first-time app creator, this guide aims to make the submission process as smooth and straightforward as possible. By following these detailed instructions, you’ll be well-equipped to bring your app to market and reach users around the globe, ultimately turning your vision into a successful reality.

Four things you need to consider before submitting an iOS app to the App Store

Before diving into the submission process, there are some important factors to consider that can greatly impact the success of your app on the App Store. First, ensure that your app meets all the technical requirements and guidelines set by Apple. This includes testing for bugs, optimizing performance, and adhering to design standards. Additionally, pay attention to your app’s marketing strategy, such as creating compelling screenshots, writing a persuasive description, and selecting relevant keywords. Lastly, consider gathering user feedback to make necessary improvements before the final submission. Taking these steps can significantly enhance your app’s chances of being well-received by users and achieving success on the platform. These include:

Prepare all the promotional materials

Having visually appealing and informative screenshots, a compelling app icon, and an engaging app description are all crucial elements in attracting potential users. These components serve as the first point of contact between your app and potential users, making it essential to invest time and effort into perfecting them. Remember that your app’s first impression is often based on its promotional materials, so make sure they accurately represent what your app has to offer. High-quality screenshots should highlight key features and functionalities, while a well-designed icon should be easily recognizable and convey the essence of your app. Additionally, your app description should be clear, concise, and engaging, providing potential users with a compelling reason to download and use your app.

Assign the app build to your account

Once you’ve completed all necessary steps and are confident that your app is ready for submission, it’s time to assign the build to your account. This critical step ensures that the final submission will be associated with your developer account and allows you to track its progress through the review process. To assign the build, navigate to your developer dashboard, select the appropriate app, and follow the prompts to link the build to your account. Additionally, this step is crucial if you plan on offering in-app purchases or subscriptions within your app, as it ensures that all related financial and legal information is properly set up and associated with your account. Taking the time to double-check all details during this stage can help prevent potential delays and streamline the overall submission process.

Meet all legal requirements

Before submitting your app to the app store, you must ensure that it meets all legal requirements. This includes obtaining any necessary licenses or permits and complying with regulations related to privacy, copyright, and data protection. If your app collects personal information from users, make sure you have a clear and accessible privacy policy in place that outlines how this data will be used. Additionally, if your app integrates with social media platforms or includes third-party content or features, it may also need to comply with certain terms and conditions set by those entities. Failing to meet these legal obligations can result in rejection of your app submission or even potential legal consequences.

Check Apple’s official guidelines

While you may have thoroughly tested your app and followed all necessary steps, it’s always a good idea to review Apple’s official guidelines before submitting your app. These guidelines outline specific rules and requirements for apps on the App Store, covering everything from functionality and design to metadata and ratings. Make sure your app meets all of these criteria before submitting to avoid potential rejections or delays in the review process.

Also Read: How to Create an iOS App?

How to publish an iOS app: nine steps

1. Create a developer account and access App Store connect

The first step in publishing an iOS app is to have a developer account with Apple. You can sign up for a free account or a paid one, depending on your needs and the features you require. The free account is great for basic app development and testing, while the paid account, which costs $99 per year, offers access to all of Apple’s developer tools and the ability to distribute apps on the App Store. Once your account is set up, you can access App Store Connect, Apple’s platform for managing app submissions, updates, analytics, and user feedback. This platform allows you to monitor your app’s performance and make necessary adjustments to improve user experience.

2. Create a new app and fill in the product page details

After accessing App Store Connect, the next step is to create a new app by clicking on the “My Apps” tab and selecting “Add New App.” You will then be prompted to enter basic information about your app, including the app name, bundle ID (a unique identifier for your app which should be in reverse-DNS format), primary language, and pricing tier. This initial setup is crucial as it establishes the fundamental identity of your app on the App Store.

Next, you will need to provide a detailed description of your app, highlighting its main features, benefits, and any unique selling points. This description plays a vital role in attracting potential users. In addition to the description, you need to upload high-quality screenshots that showcase your app’s interface and functionality. These visuals give users a first impression and can significantly influence their decision to download the app.

You will also be required to include other important information such as keywords for search optimization, a support URL, and contact information. Ensuring that all these details are accurate and compelling will help in making your app more appealing and easier to find for users browsing the App Store.

3. Set the roles, certificates, identifiers & profiles

App Store Connect allows you to manage the roles and permissions of individuals within your team who will be involved in developing and submitting the app. This includes assigning roles such as administrator, developer, marketer, and more. Each role has specific capabilities and restrictions to ensure a smooth workflow. For instance, administrators have the highest level of control, including the ability to manage users and access app analytics, while developers focus on writing and testing code without access to financial data. Marketers can monitor app performance and manage promotional materials but can’t modify the app itself.

Additionally, you will need to set up certificates, identifiers, and profiles for your app. These are necessary for the development and distribution of your app on the App Store. Certificates verify that you are an authorized developer, ensuring the security and integrity of your app. Identifiers uniquely identify your app, distinguishing it from other apps. Profiles contain settings that allow your app to run on devices during testing or submission.

Certificates, identifiers, and profiles need to be meticulously managed to avoid issues during app development and submission. For example, an expired certificate can prevent your app from being updated, while incorrect profiles can lead to failed installations during testing. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly review and update these components to ensure the seamless operation of your app.

4. Upload your app build to App Store Connect

Once your app is ready for distribution, you will need to upload it to App Store Connect. This is the platform that Apple uses to manage apps on the App Store.

To upload your app build, follow these steps:

  • Log in to App Store Connect using your Apple Developer account.
  • Click on “My Apps” and select the app you want to upload.
  • Go to the “App Store” tab and click on “App Information.”
  • Fill in all required information such as description, keywords, pricing, etc.
  • Upload screenshots of your app for each device type (iPhone and iPad).
  • Go to the “Build” section and click on the “+” button.
  • Select your app build from the list of available builds.
  • Click on “Save” and then click “Submit for Review.”
  • Your app will now be reviewed by Apple’s App Store team. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the volume of submissions and the complexity of your app.
  • Once your app is approved, you will receive an email notification and your app will be live on the App Store!

5. Test your app before and after release

Before releasing your app to the public, it’s essential to thoroughly test it to ensure there are no bugs or issues that may negatively impact user experience. You can do this by using Apple’s TestFlight platform, which allows you to distribute your app for beta testing.

To test your app using TestFlight, follow these steps:

  • Go to App Store Connect and select your app.
  • Under the “TestFlight” tab, click on “Internal Testing.”
  • Click on the “+” button to add testers. You can invite up to 10,000 internal testers who have access to your app through App Store Connect.
  • Once added, they will receive an email invitation with instructions on how to download and test your app.
  • Testers can provide feedback and report any issues they encounter through the TestFlight platform.
  • After making necessary changes based on the feedback, you can then distribute your app for external testing by selecting “External Testing” under the “TestFlight” tab.

6. Fill in the version information and release your app

Before releasing your app, make sure to fill in all the necessary version information under the “App Information” tab in App Store Connect. This includes providing a description, keywords, screenshots, and pricing details.

Once you have completed these steps, you can then click on “Submit for Review” under the “App Store” tab to begin the review process. Make sure to carefully follow Apple’s guidelines and policies to ensure a smooth review process.

After your app is approved, it will be released on the App Store and available for users to download. It’s important to regularly update your app with new features and bug fixes to keep users engaged and satisfied.

7. Choose the release date for your app

When submitting your app for review, you also have the option to choose a release date. This feature can be particularly beneficial if you want to coordinate your app’s launch with a specific event, such as a major conference or trade show, or align it with a broader marketing campaign for maximum impact. By timing your launch with significant events, you can leverage increased visibility and media coverage, capturing the attention of a broader audience.

Additionally, you can use this feature to stagger the release of your app in different regions, allowing you to manage demand and ensure a smoother rollout across various markets. For instance, you might choose to launch in a key market first to gauge initial user response and make necessary adjustments before expanding to other regions. This phased approach can help you better handle customer support, as you can allocate resources more effectively and address issues as they arise.

Moreover, gathering user feedback in stages allows you to implement improvements incrementally, enhancing user experience and addressing potential problems before they become widespread. Ultimately, taking advantage of this feature can contribute to a more controlled and successful launch, maximizing your app’s impact and ensuring a strong reception in the competitive app marketplace.

8. Set age ratings and content restrictions

As an app developer, you are responsible for ensuring that your app is appropriate for its intended audience. Therefore, when submitting your app to the App Store, you must also complete a rating questionnaire to determine the age-appropriateness of your app’s content. This process helps parents and guardians make informed choices about the apps their children can access.

The rating questionnaire covers various categories such as violence, nudity, gambling, and drug use. Based on your responses, Apple assigns an age rating to your app (e.g., 4+, 9+, 12+, or 17+), which will be displayed on the App Store alongside your app’s listing. It is essential to provide accurate information in this questionnaire as false ratings or content restrictions can result in your app being removed from the store.

Additionally, keep in mind that some countries have specific laws and regulations regarding content restrictions for apps. It is your responsibility as a developer to research and comply with these guidelines to avoid any potential legal issues. By setting appropriate age ratings and content restrictions, you can ensure that your app reaches its intended audience while also abiding by ethical and legal standards. This approach will help build trust with both users and regulators, ultimately contributing to the success of your app. So make sure to thoroughly review the rating questionnaire and provide accurate information when submitting your app to the App Store. Continue to monitor feedback from users and update ratings if necessary as your app evolves over time.

9. Submit your app for review

Once you have completed all the necessary steps outlined by Apple, you can submit your app for review. This process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the volume of submissions and the complexity of your app.

During this time, it is recommended to keep an eye on your App Store Connect account for any updates or notifications from Apple regarding your submission. You may also receive feedback or requests for clarification during the review process.

It’s important to be patient and responsive during this stage, as any delays in communication or failure to provide requested information can prolong the review process. Once your app has been approved, it will be available on the App Store for users to download and enjoy.

Read More:

Reasons why your app can get rejected

While submitting your app for review, it’s important to be aware of the potential reasons why Apple may reject your submission. Some common reasons include:

  • Inaccurate or incomplete information provided in the App Store Connect listing or during the rating questionnaire.
  • Technical issues such as crashes, bugs, or broken functionality.
  • Violation of Apple’s guidelines and policies, such as using misleading marketing tactics or including inappropriate content.
  • Lack of compliance with local laws and regulations.

Inconsistent UI and UX

One common reason for app rejection is an inconsistent user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Apple expects all apps to adhere to their Human Interface Guidelines, which outline design principles and best practices for creating a seamless and intuitive user experience.

To avoid any potential issues with your app’s UI and UX, it’s important to thoroughly test your app on different devices and ensure that it functions as intended. Additionally, make sure to follow Apple’s guidelines for design, including using the appropriate font, colors, and layout.

Bugs and crashes

Apple places a high importance on app stability and performance. If your app crashes, freezes, or has other technical issues, it is likely to be rejected during the review process. To prevent this from happening, make sure to thoroughly test your app for bugs and address any reported issues before submitting it for review.

and account creation issues

If your app requires users to sign in or create an account, it’s important to make sure that this process is smooth and intuitive. Apple may reject your app if the sign-in process is overly complicated or if there are any issues with creating and managing accounts.

To avoid potential rejection for these issues, carefully review your app’s sign-in process and ensure that it follows best practices for security and ease of use.

Access to users’ data

Apple places a strong emphasis on user privacy, and any apps that collect or store sensitive user data must adhere to strict guidelines. If your app collects personal information or has access to sensitive data such as health or financial information, it’s important to clearly explain how this data is used and obtain the user’s consent.

To avoid rejection for privacy concerns, make sure to provide a clear and transparent privacy policy within your app and only collect necessary user data with their explicit permission.

Not enough lasting value

Apple also considers the lasting value and usefulness of an app when reviewing it. Apps that are too basic or don’t offer enough unique features may be rejected for not providing enough value to users.

To ensure your app meets Apple’s standards, make sure it offers useful and unique functionality, stands out from similar apps, and continues to provide value to users over time through updates and improvements.

Submitted by an incorrect entity

When submitting an app to the App Store, it’s important to make sure that the account used for submission is authorized to submit apps on behalf of the entity or organization listed in the app’s information.

To avoid rejection for this issue, double-check that the correct developer account and entity are selected before submitting your app. If you need to transfer ownership of an app, make sure to follow Apple’s guidelines and procedures.

Repeated submission of similar apps

Apple discourages developers from submitting numerous similar apps, as it can clutter the App Store and make it difficult for users to find truly unique and high-quality apps.

To avoid rejection for this reason, focus on creating one strong app with unique features rather than multiple versions of the same concept. If you do have a series of related apps, make sure they offer distinct functionalities and provide value to different audiences. Additionally, make sure your app offers something new or improves upon existing ideas rather than simply replicating what’s already available in the App Store. This will help your app stand out and increase its chances of being approved by Apple.

How much does it cost to build an iOS application?

The cost of building an iOS application can vary greatly depending on the complexity and features of the app, as well as the developer or agency you choose to work with. Factors such as the app’s design, functionality, user interface, and integration with external systems can all influence the final price. According to a survey by Clutch, the average cost for a simple iOS app ranges from $38,000 – $91,000, while a more complex app with advanced features and sophisticated design can cost upwards of $145,000. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and updates are crucial for keeping the app secure and functional, which can also add to the overall expenditure. Therefore, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your requirements and budget before embarking on the development process.

  • Concept and Planning: Market Research: Conducting a thorough market analysis to identify the target audience and competitors can cost between $1,000 – $5,000.
  • Design: Wireframing: Creating simple visual guides to outline app structure may cost around $1,000 – $3,000.
  • User Interface (UI) Design: Developing the visual elements of the app can range from $5,000 – $15,000 depending on complexity.
  • User Experience (UX) Design: Ensuring the app is user-friendly could add an additional $2,000 – $10,000.
  • Development: Front-end Development: Building the client-side part of the app typically costs between $15,000 – $50,000.
  • Back-end Development: Developing the server-side logic and databases can range from $10,000 – $50,000.
  • Integration with External Systems: Connecting the app to third-party services or APIs might add $5,000 – $20,000.
  • Testing: Quality Assurance (QA): Thorough testing for bugs and issues is essential and can cost between $5,000 – $15,000.
  • Beta Testing: Additional testing phases with a limited user base might require another $2,000 – $5,000.
  • Deployment: Costs for preparing and submitting the app to the App Store can be around $500 – $2,000.
  • Marketing and Launch: Promoting the app to attract users can vary widely, typically ranging from $5,000 – $30,000.
  • Post-launch: Regular updates, bug fixes, and new feature additions can cost between $10,000 – $30,000 annually.
  • Customer Support: Providing user support might require $5,000 – $10,000 per year.

Suggested: How Much Does it Cost to Create An App

How can iTechnolabs help you to build an ios application?

iTechnolabs is a full-service technology company that offers comprehensive iOS application development services. Our team of experienced developers and designers can guide you through the entire process of developing an iOS app, from initial concept and user research to design, development, testing, and launch. We prioritize user experience and performance, ensuring that your app not only looks great but also functions seamlessly. Whether you are a startup looking to make a mark or an established business aiming to expand your digital presence, we are here to turn your vision into a reality.

Here are some ways that iTechnolabs can help you build your iOS application:

  • Collaborative Design Process: We understand the importance of having a well-designed app that not only looks great but also provides an excellent user experience. Our collaborative design process ensures that your vision for the app is translated into a functional and visually appealing design.
  • Expert Development Skills: Our team has extensive experience in building high-quality iOS applications using the latest technologies and tools. We follow best practices and coding standards to develop robust and scalable apps.
  • Quality Assurance: Before launching your app, we conduct thorough testing to ensure that it meets the highest quality standards. We perform different types of testing, including functionality testing, usability testing, and performance testing, to identify any issues and fix them before they affect user experience.
  • App Store Submission Assistance: Getting an app approved on the App Store can be a daunting task due to strict guidelines and requirements. Our team can assist you in preparing and submitting your app to the App Store, ensuring that it meets all necessary criteria for approval.
  • Ongoing Support: Our relationship with our clients doesn’t end after the launch of their app. We provide ongoing support to help you maintain and update your app as needed. Whether it’s fixing bugs, adding new features, or optimizing the app for new iOS updates, our team is always available to assist you.

Are you looking for iOS app development services?

Contact us!

Choosing iTechnolabs for your iOS app development needs offers numerous benefits that set us apart from the competition. Our team of experienced developers is dedicated to creating high-quality, user-friendly apps tailored to your specific requirements. With a focus on innovation and the latest technology trends, iTechnolabs ensures your app is not only functional but also stands out in the market. Additionally, our customer-centric approach guarantees ongoing support and updates, ensuring your app remains relevant and successful over time.

  • Tailored Solutions: iTechnolabs offers personalized solutions crafted to meet your unique business requirements. Our team works closely with you to understand your vision and objectives, ensuring your app stands out in the competitive market.
  • Comprehensive Expertise: With a deep understanding of the iOS ecosystem, iTechnolabs leverages the latest technologies and best practices to develop apps that are not only innovative but also secure and efficient. Our developers are well-versed in Swift, Objective-C, and other essential tools.
  • Focus on User Experience: We prioritize the end-user experience, designing intuitive interfaces and seamless navigation. Our user-centric approach guarantees that your app is both engaging and easy to use, which is critical for user retention and satisfaction.
  • Faster Time to Market: Our streamlined development process, combined with our agile methodologies, ensures that your app is developed and launched quickly without compromising on quality. This allows you to capitalize on market opportunities and gain a competitive edge.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: iTechnolabs builds solutions that are scalable and adaptable to your business’s growing needs. Whether you start small or plan for large-scale deployment, our apps are designed to accommodate future growth and new features effortlessly.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: We offer cost-effective development services without sacrificing quality. Our transparent pricing model ensures that you receive value for your investment, helping you stay within budget while achieving your app development goals.

Important: Factors Influencing the iOS App Development Cost


With iTechnolabs as your iOS development partner, you can be confident that your app will be a success. Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process, from ideation to launch and beyond. We are committed to delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet your specific needs and help you achieve your business goals.


Is putting an app on the App Store free?

No, there is a fee for submitting an app to the App Store. Apple charges an annual $99 fee for developers to have access to their developer tools and resources, as well as the ability to submit apps to the App Store. This fee also covers hosting and distribution costs for your app on the App Store. However, there are programs available such as the Apple Developer Enterprise Program that may offer discounts or waive this fee under certain circ*mstances. It is recommended to research and understand all fees involved before submitting an app to the App Store. Additionally, any in-app purchases or subscriptions within your app may also require additional fees from Apple if they meet certain criteria. Overall, it is important to budget and plan accordingly when developing and launching an app on the App Store.

How do I upload an app to the App Store?

Uploading an app to the App Store involves a few key steps. First, you will need to have an Apple Developer account and have access to Xcode, Apple’s development tool for creating iOS apps. Once your app is ready for submission, you will need to go through the App Store Connect process, which includes providing information about your app such as its name, category, description, screenshots, and pricing. You will also need to set up agreements and tax information in order to receive payments from Apple. Finally, after submitting your app for review by Apple’s team, it will go through a review process before being approved or rejected for listing on the App Store.

How do apps get approved for the App Store?

Apps go through a review process by Apple’s team before they are approved for listing on the App Store. This includes checking for compliance with Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines, which cover topics such as design, functionality, and content. In addition to these guidelines, Apple also checks for technical issues and ensures that the app is stable and performs well. If any issues are found during the review process, Apple will provide feedback and allow developers to make necessary changes before submitting their app for review. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the complexity of the app and any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

iTechnolabs : Software, Web, Mobile App Development Company (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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