Evening Express from Portland, Maine (2024)

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Portland, Maine

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PORTLAND EVENING EXPRESS MONDAY JULY 8 1929 PAGE SIXTEEN Steamer Pilgrim High And Dry Wolverton Honored By March New An tenor New The Voice South Portland News Albany 2 20 2 14 10 the io A Survey On Petting and own by rar when it Announcer Ralph Islander Announc er New An Or Resinol I Hot I NOXZEMA BEST SAYS REVERE BEACH CAPT En WHIZ PRODUCTS Magazine 644 Congress St Portland News Main St Waterville State St Presque isle Whiz Products fix Ends soreness instantly and doesn't stain clothing at 11:15 o'clock autioa WCSH Pt Can 95 Brush ree hettrb run better end Iml lontr 'J i Mansfield fK AT? AYAS YOU RIDE OPEN EVENINGS Pill HI Kam port 60 64 63 90 94 76 7S 48 7R AS New Hotel ireatone Oypnlen Motor amily Party day 90 AUTO PRODUCTS tno Murphy pianist Jewelry Co Correct 0s Vehicle With 1M0 1100 1115 nut 3228 when the sedan in were riding In the with car driven of Stroudwater at 76 76 93 90 78 90 88 88 ft i go to Higgins annual picnic charge ot ar Vt tijt or closed or open top cars Stops your top from leaking Scores Announcer NATIOAIAL TRADING CQ 6S PORTLAND ST New A our Taken To Hospital After Automobiles Meet TILiraOltl XS 7720 14 Rescued In Boston Apartment House ire Third In The Series (Continued from Page 12) Humanity the WUllam Booth was made a real at as rj Musical Program Musical Program rom of irestone rom Gypsies rom Motors amily Musical Program Musical Program 1 Weather and lying ore Rideout Boston Globe News Despatch Ttvipaojta OR BBT 7720 aa at as aa a 2 1 2 13St Joseph Paolino Said To Have Admitted Offense To Mother Alleged Boy Stabber To Answer Charge At Juvenile Session Adiiitant General Hanson Inspects National Guards manti' City Block Island Boston News lashes Stocks: Weather i arm lrahes 1245 leP Cluh Time Signal I Iona Cluh MeiehanV Air Review Slocks: Grain 000 Amplro Helf Hour WEA Roads of the Sky WEAK Soeanyland Sketch reiw Herald News WLA Prophylactic Pro gram lashes ifth Infantry Rand WEA Cliquot Club Dow and Stohllng Time Press Herald News lashes Charged with stabbing the arm of Ellen Mullen 14 of 78 Smith Street alter a quarrel on Zranklln Street Sun day night Joseph Paolino 12 of 14 Middle Street appeared before Judge Max Plnansky tn chambers this morning and was ordered to answer the charge at the juvenile session of the MuniclpalCourt riday morning The girl told police that Joseph stabbed her and he is aid to have ad mitted the offense when he was locat ed and placed in charge of his mother They disagreed as to who was responsi ble for the quarrel New General Party Announce Wedding In New Brunswick Tuesday' 's Program PORTLAND Program 1 a Housewives Hour a ni 13 Musical Minutes a WEA Household Do YOUR gears need grease? Whiz Gear Grease lubricates them I there a hole in your radiator? Stop Leak plugs it i Does your top look cracked and i scratched? Top Dressing makes it look like new Did you scratch your fenders in town this morn ing? Touch Up Enamel prevents that scratch from rusting Radia tor and lamp need shining? i Nickel Polish takes off every spot and smear It there road film on the body of your car? Use Polish for Duco and Lac quer Millions of motorists swear by Whiz Products Over 104000 dealers handle them Booth Memorial College Is Opened LONDON July 8 (A 'rtte Wil liam Booth Memorial Training College was opened by the Salvation Army at Denmark Hill today Tha University of dream of General founder of the Army Ity when Prince George opened the building with a golden key and unveiled statues of General Booth and his wife Catherine Booth the total cost vf memorial was £371000 Cosmetics won't cover up'" pimples and blackheads but the daily use of Resinol Soap and Ointment clears them away The continued use helps to prevent such blemishes and imparts to the skin a delicate glow and alluring softness Judge Gives Probation To Toter Of Beerjug Because It was his first offense and because he declared he positively was "all through" carrying liquor to dances Beverly Sanders was granted proba tion In Municipal Court this morning after the case against him had been continued for sentence Sander was arrested by dentil sheriffs in the vicinity of the dance hall at New Gloucester with a Jug containing beer In his possession He and his friends had planned a little party after the dance he testified but it wouldn't happen again After issuing a warning that "this carrying of liquor to dance halls has got to Judge Max Plnttnsky continued the case tor sentence and extended slit months' probation to the respondent st an St8 so 7 a General Let Us Join the Ladles Telegram and Gazette New Bulletins WT1C 696 Summary of program You Know?" United Stales Dally New bul letins from Washington Hartford Courant new bulle tint Hotel Bond Trio Emil Heim berger director Paul Llncke period: Siamese Patrol Spring Beautiful Spring: The Glow Worm To Err I Human To orgive Divine Castles in the Air ireflies Amina Beautiful Persia Baseball scores 7 00 Martin and Orinold Musical Mechanicians Lionel Kennedy direc tor: Sweet Seventeen That's What I Call My Baby That's You Baby Breakaway Sazophobla saxophone solo) My Wonderful Ixtve: Me and the Man In the Moon You Wouldn't ool Me Would You? Landay Revelers: Toastmaster march): Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine: Neapoli tan Nights (waltz) piano solo selected Raymond Sehlrch pianist airy Gold (overture) Drifting and Dreaming (fox trot) Mon Homme Dream Train Marche Mlhtalre The Voice of irestone from The Casco Bay steamer Pilgrim on the rocks at Deer Point Sunday' The white line above the water is the keel (By The Associated Preset Programs In Eastern Daylight Saving All time is unless other wise Indicated wsveiengtn on ieit call let tera kilocycles on Maine Stations 949 Amplco Half Hour Press Herald New lashes Civil Service Talk WEA Voice of irestone WEA AP Oypsiea WEA General Motors am ily Party Dow and Stubling Time Press Herald New lashes WLBZ 62 Classical Recordings News flashes Request Period 1 Tme Signals Weather fore llwli 7 World Book Man 7 Stocks close Boston and York Markets Dally Bulletins nounccments Baseball scores' Tom Kanes Orchestra New flashes New England Stations WEEL 540 Vacation Club Ensemble New England co*ke Vacation Club Ensemble Boston Globe News Despatch stain clothes leading make to pick from Terms Cressey Allen 2nd loor A Bldg EVERY TUESDAY MORNING Paint Store 47 Exchange St Phene orest 2784 er SIRS Popularity oontest 8 Same as WJZ (2 hrs) 10 00 Voyageur feature program 1100 Islanders: news Amos dance 1200 Danee hour 100 Try Slick Us (I hr) WSB 740 WJZ WEA (1 hr) 830 Music Box Harry Pomar's orchestra Same WEA Concert music 1245 a Concert program WAPL Birmingham 1140 Newscasting Bam dance Amos Andy orchestra 100 Dixie Jug Band WBT 1680 740 Movie Menu Dr Knowles WEA WJZt hr The Oil Can 9 WEA Studio Scores WHAS Loutavitle 826 WEA (30 mln) Orchestra Score Studio Orchestra WEA Program Orchestra Homing Hour Amos Andy News Dance 1 WSM WJZ WEA Hour String Quartet Bulletins Studio Program WEA Programs 1 hr) Vocal and Orchestra I WEA Program 1230 Hawaiian Players WRVA 1110 Bvrd Trio Amoe Andy WEA WJZ (1 hr) Luxury Boys Concert History Screnaders Pianist Hour from WEA Hotel Orchestra WWVA 1160 Scores Studio Program Ohio Valley Boy Scouta Aunt Jane Uncle George Studio Boosters (l'A hrs) Carl ellows Of Augusta Marries Miss Carlotta Ward At Woodstock AUGUSTA July 8 A marriage which ha been kept a secret since it took place June 29 at Wood stock was announced today by Carl erdinand ellows a member fif the law firm of Dunnack ellows and Miss Carlotta Ward both of Augusta Mrs ellows is the daugh ter of Mrs A Stewart ot 115 Ban gor Street and has been employed in the office of Ellis Tobblns Company here Mr ellows is a young attorney here Both Mr and Mr ellow have relatives st Woodstock The wedding took place In the Bap tist Church at Woodstock the pastor Rev Hadlev Bragdon officiating Mr and Mrs Roy Decker of this city attended the couple Mr and Mrs yellows returned July 4 Official Weather Bureau orecast PORTLAND AND VICINITY: air tonight and Tuesday somewhat cool er: moderate southwest to north west wind becoming variable on Tuesday NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Generally fair tonight and Tuesday cooler tonight and on ths roast Tuesday moderate southwest winds shifting to northwest and beeomlng vnilable on Tuesday At rather Conditions A depression Is passing down the 8t tawi'enra Valley 2970 Inches at night 76 72 automobile owned by a hoy who thinks he ts a wise guy and the combination sin produce a tosa ot popularity also reputation" Summary Each of these boys and girls swered according to his or her light ss she thought so she spoke as he had done so he defended aa he knew from experience or heresay to she wrote in proportion aa he is a "smart aleck" so he tried to be on the questionnaire Slxty two per cent of the girls said It was necessary to kiss and pet in or der to be popular ifty eight per cent of the boys said you had to kiss ai pet In order to have the girls think you were a good sport Sixty eight per cent ot the boys respected Ute great majority of girls they knew and fifty seven per cent of the girls respected the boy A boy who has a car according to the survey has seventy four per more chance of being popular than tre boy without on The girl who per mits liberties loses out al least so alxty flve per rent of the boy stated Only twenty three per cent aald the were able to distinguish between pet ting which was wholesome and that which was harmful My Comment Petting Is a much used and mticn abused word It has as many interpre tations as the word "speed" What is fast for the turtle is slow for the hara and a streak of chain lightning has tha laugh on both of them A squeezed had and a long sigh constitutes out rageous petting in the mind of old fashioned onlookers who never had Ute chance to "spoon" and to the girl who la having her first date a straight rlght on the mbuth Is an Innocent and wonderful adventure A feminine human cilnglng vinc inlly poffping over a male specimen cf the genus hom*o as he drives his car through the street la also said to be "petting" The first girl Is feeling ti thrill of a first experience In the mys teries love The second has long since exceeded the speed limit of good taste Early training in good taste given bv parents who have themselves stand ards of taste and cqmmonly oportual tle for wholesome athletic recreation and home and school opportunities for developing and expressing the creative spirit will sublimate unfavorable thin? In the emotional life Training ana absorbing interests will solve the prob lem of promiscuous and overdone pei tlng for those whose brain has the ca pacity to recognize good taste beauty and love when it is put before then: There ts no recipe other than thee Ingredients (Copyright John Dllle Company Two vacation Bible schools opener! Ibis morning for their annual session One of these was at the irst ree Baptist Church which Is open to chil dren between the ages of 6 and 14 years and is in of the pastor and his wife the Rev and Mrs Henry Clark Another session will be held tomorrow morning beginning at 9 o'clock and this has accommodations for children front four yean up to and including 15 years The Rev Leonard March is in Anomer session win oe neta sdav mornlnz bcvlnnine st 9 o'clock This school will continue each mornlrfg for three weeks with the exception of Saturdays To Hold Outing Rast Pocahontas Association will hold an all day outing Tuesday and the arrangements are In charge of Weno nah and Kapla Council Degree of Po cahontas The chairmen of the com mittee are Mrs Henry Doughty 1 and Mrs Addle Kimball Members of Wanda and Mlneola of this City will attend and the outing will be held at the Danish picnic grounds on Ocean Avenue Portland Davidson Is Speaker Interesting messages were brought to the congregations at the Bethany Congregational Church Sunday when Gordon Davidson of Illinois was the speaker Mr Davidson told of some of his experiences in A work In which he has been engaged lor a number of years Mr Davidson also visited the Sunday School of which he served as superintendent for romc time Mm Davidson organized the Vested Choir at the church and was its director and organist foi number of years Held lag Service The lag Service at the People's Church Sunday evening was at tended by a large congregation The pastor the Rev Leonard March de livered an address 'entitled The Stain less lag and In hia talk he gave an interesting history of the use of flags from the beginning of time Pledged ot support to President Herbert Hoover In his work in bringing about proper recognition of national laws were signed and will be sent to Washington A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Avis Lamb who also directed the senior choir in its selections Locals and Personal The annual outing of the Ladles Aid cf lhe irst ree Baptist Church will be held Wednesday at Pond Cove Inr This will be an sll day affair and din ner will be enjoyed An Informal pr gram oN music and readings will bo featured Mr jind Mrs Thomas Williams entertained several friends at their cottage in Cape Elizabeth Sunday Pic nic dinners were enjoyed preceding an afternoon of surf bathing and must' Mrs Edward Woodford of Love irt's iled will entertain the members nt the Annex of the Congress Square Church of Portland at her summer home Tuesday An all day outing of the Nature Study Class will be held Tuesday at the summer home of Mrs Dorothy Spear Jordan at Peabbles Cove Mr Rachel Roberts will entertain the members of Pine Cone Annex at her home at 581 Westbrook Street Wednesday A postponed meeting' of General Phil Sheridan Woman's Relief Corps will be held Tuesday evening at Stewart Morrill Post Hall Plans will be completed for the all day outing Wed nesday at the home of Mrs Mabel De cormier Woodfords James DcCoMer son of Mr and Mrs Percy DeCoster of ranklin Tert race has returned from East Liver more Miss Marjorie McKenney a mem ber of ot the Broadway Grammar School who has been in Georgia at an educational convention will return shortly to Cliff Avenlie The Misses Muriel and Carolyn Hale ot Mount Venter Street are enjoying a stay at Cleaves Landing Long Is land Mrs Carrie Megquler ot Gray has been visiting Mrs Edith DeCostcr pt her home st Willard Beach Miss Ursula Tierney of West Broad way has been enloyln a visit with her stster and cousin Mrs Gertrude Thompson and Miss Pearl Thompson at Peaks Island Hobbs of Highland Ro'dLovc Itts ield is In Syracuse for a vlMt with relatives Masconomo Tribe I will meet this evening for' a business meet ing and smoke talk at Stewart Morrill Post Hall A business meeJing and social ses sion of the Semper Paratus Club will be held st it clubrooms on Cottage Street Tuesday evening The outing of the Club planned to be held at Old Orchard Tuesday has been postponed for a week Mrs George Harris will be host ess to her bridge club at an all day picnic at her cottage at Willard Beach Tuesday Basket lunches will be carried A supper party was enjoyed at the cottage of Mr and Mrs William Dunton at Delano Park Saturday eve ning Mr and Mrs Carroll Douglass entertained eight friends at their cot tage Sunday afternoon and evening A shore dinner was served and a mis Hugo Mariani direc tor' A Gypsies from studios Harry Horllck director General Motors amily Party from studios 10 Hub Radio Mountaineer 1030 "Hunting the Headlines Around the 1 1 Strand Theater organ Walter Seifert 11 Hartford Courant news bul letins weather report WJAR 899 8 Providence Journal ti Evening Bulletin New lashes I Department of Agricul ture Produce Market Report United State Weather Bureau Report 700 Samuel Silverman and hl Rhode Island Dance Band 7 Ethel A Anderson soprano Waler Barry tenor Baseball scores 8 Voice of irestone NBC A Gypsies UBC General Motor amily Party NBC Providence Journal A Eve ning Bulletin New lashes Baseball scores WBZ 990 Telechron Time Republican Neaa Bulletins Bernardo Campagna tenor Mary Marchetti accompanist Champion Weatherman Agriculture Reports Menlhan's Arch Alders Dinner Music Temperature Noble Baseball Scores 6 69 Sessions Chimes 7 Bert Lowe's Statler Orchestra Roxy's Gang Whitehouse Concert Edison Program Adelphlan Male Quartet 1000 Longlnes Time Noble Baseball Scores Vitali Podolsky 1030 Bportogram Temperature Dance Music Champion Weatherman Republican New Bulletins "1 Danee Music Telechron Time New York Snort Talk Thornton isher Announcer Harold Provenson Blaek and Gold Room Orches tra Announcer rank Slngtser Baseball Scores announced by William agan 7 Ben Pollack's Control Hotel Orchestra Announcer Howard But ler 7 World Today" Announc er John 8 Young 7 "May We Present Mis Pa perte" Announcer John 8 Young 8 00 Voice of irestone Announcer Kenneth Pickett A and Gypsies Announcer Milton Cross 930 General Motors antlly Party Announcer Kenneth fcketL inOP "Let Us Join the Ladle" "loyd Gibbon Hedllne "Torpedoed and Sunk in Mld Atlantlr" i Mikado" Announcer Mil ton Cross 1230 Phil Spltalny's Music Announcer John Young New York 3945 Dave Harmon end His Palis a or urenestra reese Baseball Alwyn Bach 705 South Sea er Bach Roxy and Hla Gang Announc Curt Peterson White House Concert An nouncer Alwyn Bach 9 00 Edison Program Announcer Phillipa Carlin "Southpaw" Announcer Alwyn I Bach 1000 Moment Musical Announcer Curt Prteraon 10 30 Bill Scott's Hotel Manger Or chestra Announced Alywn Bach 1100 Slumber Music Announcer Curt Peterson ABC New 866 Showslanta by Martin Mconey Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Band 700 Charles Hamp Thirty Min utes or Dunanine730 Vincent Lopes and His cbestra 8 Llttmann's Entertainers 830 Heroes of Aviation 9 00 Vim International Hour Op eratic Music 10 00 Ohrbcch'a Miracle Program 10 30 The Melodv (Emery Deulsch presenting music from tne nean lloo Ingraham's Paramount Orchestra Herbert's Correct Time WOR 716 600 Bulova Time Theresa McClintock contralto Newacasting Sports Talk 63(1 ootlights Oliver Sayler 6 John Green pianist 650 This Week In Aviation Slosn isyior 7 Tavannes Time 7 01 Hotel Montclair Concert umble 1 Sessions Chimes 8 00 Grand' Opera Concert su ueuo vouners 900 Physical Culture Hour 9 8 Navy Band Black lag Boys 10 Night Club Romance Bulova Time Newark Bulletins Heatrola Weather Re port Emil Velazco Organ Recital' 1 1 30 Hotel Astor Orchestra R'LWL New 1180 Vocal and Orchestra 700 Orchestra: Vocal: Book WPG Atlantic 1180 5 30 Organ Recital: New 800 Scores: Dinner Mualc 830 Honolulu Duo Band 915 Studio Concert Orchestra 1000 Dance Az Vagabonds 1100 Hour of Dance Music WBAL 1066 Dinner Hour Same as WJZ (Vi hrs) WBAL String Quartet 1000 eature Program 1 1'100 The Hour WCAU 1176 Scores Musical urriers 1 700 Hour of Orchestras Same aa WOR (3 hrs) 1100 News: Dance Music KDKA 986 630 Band Concert: Score eature Program Same as WJZ 3 hrs) 1030 Orchestra Program Hour from WJZ: Scores WHAM 1156 WJZ Programs (2'4 hrs) 1000 On the Wings of Bong 1030 WJZ Programs Dance Music aiVGY 790 625 Scores Dinner Music Talk Radio Travelogue WEA Program (4 hr) Central Artd Southern Clear Channel Stations WLW 799 700 Orchestra: Diners Scores Educational orchestra WJZ :30 m) eatures 1000 Orchestra hour The Club: orchestra Show yesterday and today 100 Dance Inr) WTAM WEAR 1977 Sold By TOWER ADAMS Inc Policeman Overcome By Smoke During Relict Work Goes To Hospital BOSTON July 8 (A ourteen elderly persons and children were res cued today from a fire which drove out 60 occupants of a five story apart ment house in Chambers Street Pa trolman Jacob Berner who made the rescues with Patrolman rank Tipping collapsed aXA result of Inhaling smoke and was sent to the Haymarket Relief Hospital The fire started in a pile of rubbish and fill'd the building with dense smoke The dainsge was slight all the sunburn remedies we have ever and we've tried Noxzema is way ahead of all the others for relieving sun burn declares Joseph A Rossetti head life guard at Revere Beach Boston lt seems to take away the fire and soreness at once and heals up severe bums Noxzema has been selected at all the biggest bathing Atlantic City Coney Island Asbury Park Long Beach etc Are you sunburned? suffer needlessly Get a jar of Noxzema Cooling ends pain instantly Greaseless too won't' stain clothing or bed sheets At all drug and department stores Get a jar today NWA The 240th Regiment Maine National Guard underwent Its first official In spection of the preeent touzpf duty to day with Adjutant Generar James Hanson of Augusta as tjtie inspecting officer Genera! Hanson arrived at ort Wil liams about noon time and was tha guest of Colonel George ogg com mander of the 240th at luncheon Dur ing the afternoon he inspected the sev eral batteries in their quarters which sre located this year for the first time directly back of the permanent officers quarters at the tort Lata this after noon the adjutant general Is to inspect the regiment on parade The regiment held Its first parade Sunday afternoon in honor of Colonel John Wright commander of the ifth and Capt David Wbiverton who are credited with pushing forward the construction of the new camp site of the 240th i More than 200 civilians were unof ficial observer of the parade hsvlnff been attracted to the fort by a concert given earlier by the 240th Band Coll George ogg and his staff consisting of Capt A Bachelder Capt William Emmons Lt Augustus 8 Hooker and Lt Col Georgs Owens reviewed the regiment Major George Kern of Portland was in command ot the irst Battalion and Major Ralph Brown commanded the Second Bat tallon I Concert Tonight' I At 7 o'clock Daylight time thn eve mug the 240th Band under the dlrec cion of Warrant Officer rank Rigby will render a concert in front of regi mental headquarters back of the of ficers' quarters at the fort The program follows: March or Liberty by Moses: Overture Barber of Seville KOMint waiu LESiuaiantana Waldtaufel: Selection aust Gounod Descriptive My Grandfather's Clock Amzen Dances Spanish Moczkcwskt closing maren many annoying troubles gone to Poland to be the guest of Mr aunt Miss Jennie Dyer Mr snd Mrs Lesle VanBlarrcm ot Sawyer 'Street Sylvan Site are en tertaining Mr Van Blarcom's sister and husband and family Mr and Mr George Wright Mis Dorothy Wright and Miss Marjorie Wright of Brighton Mass' Dr and Mr Philip McCrum have returned to their home on airlawn Avenue following an automobile trip to Boston They were accompanied by the Misses Eleanor Pote and Ruth Blanch ard of Portland Mr and Mrs John itzgerald (Mary Streeter) of New York City are enjoying a stay in Cape Elizabeth Mrs itz gerald formerly resided In Portland Mr Herbert Bl Waterhouse and Her bert Jr have returned to their home on airlawn Avenue following a visit In Brighton where they were guests of Mia Eva Howard There will be a meeting of the Ladles League of the Thornton Heights Improvement Society at 230 Tuesday afternoon in the Com munity Hall on Main Street Plans wiU be made for the remainder of the Summer and arrangement completed for the meeting ot the league later in the week i The July meeting of lcasantdalc Grange will be held Thursday evening of this week There will be one meet ing In August 1 The annual picnic of the Pleasant dale Community Club will bo held at Odd ellows Park next Saturday after noon and evening There will be an entertainment under the direction ot Mr Albert Dyer with dancing In the evening The Sunday School of first Mctnodist unuren win Beach Saturday for the Harry Bartsch Is in ra ncementa a Mr and Mrs Winfred Tracy Miss Carolyn Sterling and: Kenneth Math ewy of this eltv are occupying the Dearing Camp at Watrhlc Take Mr and Mrs Edward Lewis (Gladys Dearing) ot Milton Mass who have been guests of Mr and Mrs red Dearing of West Broadway have opened Pine Knoll Cabin at Watchic Lake i'" i i Miss Muriel Edwards of Winchester Mass was the week end guest of Mrs June Hanson West Broadway Mrs Hanson has Just returned from Wind ham where she was the guest of Mrs Joanna Wescott and Mrs Louisa Little Mr and Mrs David Nixon Jr Sher man Street Portland were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Albion Nasbcrg of this city Mrs Nixon was Miss Laura Crossman formerly of South Portland Mr and Mrs Clifford Ward and Mis Alice Kennedy of West Broad way left by motor thl morning for Steuben where they will be guests Mr arid" MrK Herbert Kennedy will go to Steuben riday and with their daughter will goon to Harrington tn be guests of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Ward of St Petersburg la who are at their summer home until November Douglas Rodick of New York has been the guest ot Mr and Mrs Wil liam Rodick of West Broadway 'He left Saturday for Castine where he will pass the Summer with hl grandmother Mrs Susie Rodick Mr and Mrs Clifford Hellman of Hartford Conn who have been spend ing the holiday and week end as guests of Mr parent Mr and Mr Nicholas Hellman nt Pleasantdale were surprised by a group of friends and members of ths Luther League of Immanuel Lutheran Church at the home cf Mr Hellman's brother and his wife Mr and Mrs Eric Hellman Crore Street Saturday evedlng Mr Hellman Is a former nA mber of the league and the members presented him and Mrs Hellman with a set nf glassware The guests were Mr and Mrs Hugo Hell man and children Charles and Neil Mr and Mrs Eric Hellman and daugh ter Helen and son Buddy and Junior Miss May Hellman Mr end Mrs Stuart Strout Mr nd Mrs Italnh arstad Miss Wfnnlfrcd Jons Miss Ebon Lundgren Miss Edna Wilson and Charles and Albert Wilson Sven Carls son Miss Lois Upham Miss Esther Randstedt Miss Ruth Randstedt Ed ward Doehnke Mlsj Josrrphlne Hag lund Miss Esther Eroding Albert John son Heine Wlldgege and the Rev Leonard I Johnson pastor of the chijrch In iha form of a trouah extends (mm the unper Mlaalaalppl Valley niithward to Arizona Preaaura eon Unit high In tha vicinity of Ber muda and westward to tha Mtaalaatp pl Kiver and another high preaaure area la nver tha Northwest Shower and thunderstorm have en quite general over tha East and alao over the Plain State A heat wave covers tha 'eastern and southern sections of the country while it is decidedly cooler in the Northwest Present conditions favor fair wenther for tonlrht and Tuesday and not quite so humid after tonight Staodard Time (All Observatlone Taken At 8 a m) Temp Wind Trecip Low High Veloc Last Baby Thrown I'nder Overturned Escapes Slight Abrasion Palling directly beneath the overturned following a collision Wil liam Quinn Jr one year old son of Mr and Mrs WilUam Quinn suffered only a slight abrasion Sunday evening His two sisters Josephine 8 and Mary 3 also were shaken which their parents front seat collided by Rodney Crosby Thornton Heights The three Quinn children together vllh Ml Mildred A Robinson Cros companion were treated at the Maine General Hospital where their Injuries were found to be Might A second mishap occurred when Pa trolman Ralph Price of the South Portland police who waa driving ahead to clear the road for the car on its way to the hospital was thrown from hl motorcycle on the slippery tracks of Bridge He suffered 9 fractured toe from the fall 1 Sign Telechron Time Announce ment WMV 1 a Vacation ancies Modernist Th Vagabond 7 Colt Correct Time Announce meet The Lady of the Ivories A Scores The Hygrjte Weatherman Amo n' AnJy Herald lashes 7 Mason tJ Hamlin Concert 7 Bulova Correct Time a 8 Program from New Grand Opera Concert 8 30 B' nogram irotn Ceco eaturing Henry Burblg humorist meme tsong Huggable Kissable You Orchestra Dream Train Orchestra with Vocal Chorus by Ceco Trio On Wings of Bong 8lon Arrangement tor Ceco Or enestnL Nobody' ault But Your Own Orchestra with Voczl Chorus Ceco Trio Three Pg Dfan TAve ArtPff Orchestra with solo and vocal cho rus enton Barrett Orchestra with Vocal Ch'oru by Ceco Trio Or What Have You (rom "Lit tle Show" Orchestra I Theme Bong 4 a an Program from New Physical Culture Magazine Hour 9 x'rOgTMn aivm wm ington United State is Navy Bind 10 8 Program from New Black lag Boy Theme Shoo Plv Don't Bother Me Trip and Orches tra Mi Annabell Lee Orchestra: Du Kleine lelge Orchestra: Horse Medley Trio and Orchestra Raise the Durt Victor Hall Elle 8chulunhetmer Wwa Want Tlhll What a Day Trio: Pqtsular Medley nrrhMtra: Mosoultoe Trio Theme Trio and Orchetra in rruKram iuui Night Club Romance Kotak Correct Time nouncement Herald News lashes 8 Program from Ingraham's Paramount eta ssmfl WT AO 586 Ben Pollack's Dance Orhes Mis Mariam Shebesta violin ist Mls Liman Moulton Time 8 Voire ot a Poor Complexion Views Batteries Of 240th At ort Williams Preceding Regimental Parade Wright And GREAT BARRINGTON Mass July 8 (A The body of Joseph Russell ef Brooklyn who was drowned Lone I ake last Wedncsdav found floating on the surface Sunday I celaneous program of music and read afternoon by Corry who lives Ings was presented In the evening nearby I Mr red Dyer of ront Street has Vacation Bible Schools Open Annual Sessions This Morning S'intir Jacksonville JTmphla Nantucket New York Norfolk Northfield Pitt aburgh PORTLAND Quebec Sr Louis St Paul Sault StMarte Wnahinc fAn Ind velnrhUm of lew than mllen an hour and precipitation inan 0l inch not reported Automobile Top Dressing i Listea in to the BLACK LAG playlet brodcat through the Radio Household Institute BLACK LAG Quirkly kills jlit moujuiloti anls rtHirh wr WBErak idnu jtfin dbi IMT nt' 'C' i MH i TL ik so iHla A 4MI 5 "7 Ua 4 i sOb i' aM lai A tf 1 St MBm SMMtt MBbeMaM fl a Ji I IIIIII i tir i rrr rriiiiniiiiir iiiii winiiii' I i 1 iinrnii''ai HUI 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ZLe '2jllLlji 2t 11 I I I I I i ill 4 ZriraSigH I I ml Ml cs It? 4 9 I Bi I kJ 5 Pf I II i II lb kP Radio A wide selection nt it 6 SV 1 car Ifl JLi KL ft MW '3 Vtq TH 3 14 IS! ML fr te A' eahs fa tf' Ih i III ea HHg i 88 HH 4 Iglj 7 If 1 i pl fJ 5 1 bKSTuSwi i a JlH Ek vygpfeTfegslW Eli flKaK ffigW Mi Trusn I.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.